
Under What Conditions Do We Restrict Our Love?

Ever hear your friends say, “If my Husband ever....., I will divorce him!” There are legitimate reasons for divorce. Physical and emotional abuse [...]

Is Our Marriage Plastic Flowers Or A Rose Bush?

I was reading a friend’s post on Facebook asking, “What is the value of marriage?”  She had listened to a lecture by OSHO [...]

5 Love Languages Was Wrong, There Are Only 3

The Five Love Languages, written by Gary Chapman is an international best seller. For the first time, a marriage counselor made love tangible for couples [...]

How to Stop Marital Arguments

Marital arguments are to be expected. Learning how to work through them is key. "Lovers are regulators of Emotional Functioning". How to stop [...]

How to Make Couples Coaching Work For You

No one really knows what to expect the first time you make an appointment for a couples counseling session. Most therapists expect a 3 to [...]

Change takes Commitment To Life Coaching!

You have to do the work and apply it in your life to create the change you want in life coaching. This takes [...]

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