Simple outdoor wood plank with hanging Mr & Mrs script lettering

Be the Perfect Wedding Date with These Tips

Do you dread having to go to a wedding?

Being invited as a “plus one” to a wedding can feel like navigating a minefield. You will likely be surrounded by strangers and expected to be charming. Strong emotions will be surging throughout the ceremony and reception, often leaving you feeling like the odd person out. And that’s on top of attending a party that the guests will talk about for years to come. That’s a heck of a lot of pressure.

Whether you are trying to make an excellent first impression at a wedding or are being invited into the main friend group, here are some helpful tips to avoid potential blunders!

Dress the Part

What to wear, what to wear.

When you’re selecting your wardrobe for a wedding, err on the side of dressing up rather than down. A tux may not be required, but be sure to get your clothes dry cleaned beforehand. Your shoes should be shined to a polish, and you should treat yourself to a deluxe shave.

Rather than selecting clothes that will make you stand out, wear something that will help you blend in. For example, don’t pick a bright and eye-catching tie, even if you think you should be showcasing your “fun” side. Remember, a wedding is about the bride, not about showcasing your personality.

If you are looking for a wedding guest primer, check out this YouTube video.

Don’t End Up Wearing a Lampshade

There is a “party animal” at every wedding. That doesn’t mean it should be you.

When at a wedding, a drink or two is perfectly acceptable and even encouraged. More than that is asking for trouble.

There are usually two reasons why people drink at weddings. One is that there is an open bar. This scenario can be very tempting, as it doesn’t cost you a dime. Opportunities like that don’t come up every day! However, this could lead to you unintentionally downing a bit too much. Always moderate your “free samples.” After all, you don’t want to appear in every story about the wedding as the guy who couldn’t handle the open bar!

The second reason why you might drink at a wedding is because of nerves. When we are put into an unfamiliar situation, having a “pre-game” drink at home for courage can be helpful. Do not bring a flask to the wedding, however. People are on high alert at weddings, looking for potential problems. If they see you sneaking drinks or shots from a flask, you will likely get some highly unfavorable reviews.

Talk to Others

Her friends may not be your friends – yet!

A wedding is a perfect opportunity to get to know all sides of your date. From her favorite uncle to her best friend, make sure you ask plenty of non-intrusive questions. If they ask questions in return, your answers should be fun or sentimental.

The idea is to ask other attendees about themselves and make them curious about you. Mystery always works in favor of a woman, and will you for as well. Do not beg off questions about yourself. As long as you feel comfortable answering their queries, you should. Deflect any questions about your future with your date by redirecting attention toward the brand-new Mr. and Mrs.

Watch Your Manners

If there is ever a time to be aware of table manners, it’s at a wedding!

The reception after the wedding is the perfect time to engage in the conversations we were talking about above. However, it would help if you make sure that the person you’re talking to isn’t distracted by your table manners.

Obviously, basic things like speaking with your mouth full must be avoided, but there are lots of other things you should keep in mind. If you want a refresher on Table Manners 101, take a look at this YouTube video!

Be Fun!

The whole point of a date is to have fun. It doesn’t matter if it’s at a wedding or not; you need to be able to enjoy yourself for it to be a successful evening.

If you hate to dance, make an exception. The food may not be toward your liking, but you can choke it down. Make sure the questions you ask are interesting. Dance with anyone who asks you and always clap when the cues are there. No one wants to talk with someone who looks and acts like they would rather be anywhere else.

Make the Other Couples Jealous

More so than any other date venue, there will likely be dozens of other couples at a wedding. That’s why, after the wedding is over, your goal should be to make all of the other couples jealous!

Be the role model of manners, grace, and charm. By the end of the reception, you want all of the other women to ask their dates, “Why couldn’t you be more like that guy?!”

Weddings can put quite a bit of pressure on a relationship. That’s why having a plan is so important. If you follow all of this advice, you’re going to be a model wedding guest and impress the heck out of your date! And if you’d like to talk some more about how to act in social situations like this, I’d be happy to talk!